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- Graduated in Naturopathy from the EESNQ and member of the Association of Chartered Naturopaths of Quebec (ANAQ) with more than 2500 hours of training. (2017)

- National Diploma in Plastic Art (Bachelor's degree in industrial design) Ecole des Beaux-Arts de St Etienne, France (2000)


Originally from France, Quebec has become my new home for over 10 years.

After working in the field of industrial design, project management and graphics, I decided to make a major professional change following awareness about my health. Naturopathy came to me logically.

I am currently:

  • Trainer for different natural supplement companies

  • Naturopathy school teacher

  • Supplement Formulator

  • Speaker in the field of nutrition (vegan, ketogenic, paleo, fasting, etc.)

  • Speaker on the intestinal and oral microbiota. 

  • Change in lifestyle habits

  • Vegetarian/vegan diet

  • Ketogenic diet

  • Food allergies and intolerances

  • Digestive trouble

  • Stress management and energy

  • Weight management

  • Skin problem

  • Hormonal imbalance

  • Attention deficit - Cognitive support

Discover the essence of well-being with my tailor-made wellness treatments. Make an appointment today to begin your journey of rejuvenation and balance. Discover luxury designed especially for you.

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